Saturday, July 18, 2020

More Cardboard Terrain

My Cardboard Terrain is growing large now!

Needing some additional terrain to go along with the cardboard terrain that I have previously made.  I needed some smaller ones to fill in areas to help limit access.

Still using all the same building construction technics as I have before. Layering as I go. 

I did make a couple of larger pieces.

This one is of the start of an inside of a volcano I am still working on this one I don't know just how big it's going to be. There is going to be a lave fall plus a couple of pools of lava as well. You can see in the pictures that there is three entrances into the mouth of this volcano giving to a lot options as to how a game can play out.

This piece will work great for my other games as well Fantasy, Pulp, and Pirates!

They all still need to be covered and and finished they are shaping up very well I really like the idea of just being able to place a few pieces on the table and go. Now I will have more options plus a few more ideas have come to mind, that I can't wait to get started on as well.


  1. Looks incredible and as an added bonus it costs next to nothing. Can't wait to see these painted up.

    1. Thank You, they are still works in progress, the volcano is getting bigger it is my largest piece so far, plus I am learning more on how to use cardboard to my advantage.
