I have been bitten by the history of Cryptozoology. I have been reading about all of the strange sightings from around the world of varies unknown creatures. However I have been digging deeper into the History of Cryptozoology of the United States and of North America in general. Which gives a large range of ideas as far as gaming can go.
I have been looking for a set of rules that can work for such a gaming idea. And as luck would have it I did. I found a couple of rule systems that can work. One is "Cryptoworld". Another rule system is "Monster of the Week".
Cryptoworld. Seems to be a nice set of simple rules. There are two books the first is the core rules. The second book has a few additional rules, with a section to allow one to make and play out being one of the Cryptids. Again they are nice and simple to play with out to much problem understanding the rules. So they are easy to get younger people to understand play.
Monster of the Week. Also has two books of rules out as well. The first book has different character types to play. However the rules only allows one of each type of character in anyone game. There are enough characters in the first book to allow for a good size party to play. There are rules for magic and spells in the game. The second book add additional characters to the game and expanse on the rules. These rules allow you to play out such shows as Supernatural, Sanctuary, Grimm and possibly Wearhouse 13.
In addition there are a lot of supplements and scenarios for "Monster of the Week" at Drivethru RPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?keywords=monster+of+the+week&x=0&y=0&author=&artist=&pfrom=&pto=
The next step is finding figures for Cryptos. Finding things like Vampires, Werewolves, Mummies and few other creatures in 15mm is easy, there are a lot of options out there from many manufactures of 15mm. However things like Wendigo, Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Woods Demon to include many others there are none to found, so one has to make their your own.
I broke out the Green Stuff and away I went. Here are some of my results with some background add to each Cryptid. (The figure comparing size to sculptures is from GZG)
Bigfoot. A large Creature seen in many areas across North America. Many think it is an escaped ape however it has been reported to be over seven feet tall and with claims of being ten feet tall! all reports state that it was walking upright on two legs. There is a report of Miners and Loggers being trapped in their cabin by groups of these creatures. Throwing large rocks and small logs at the cabins. These events lasted a couple of days.
Skunk Ape; A Creature much like a Bigfoot only slightly smaller. Has been seen in many state in the very southeastern areas of the US. Many reports are in the state of Florida, but again there are sightings in many other areas. Some of these sighting coincide with the missing of small animals like pets and small livestock such as goats, sheep, and calves.
Ape Man; A Creature seen in a many areas across North America. many reports describe the apeman to be much small version than a Bigfoot. Standing at about six feet tall. Some of these sighting as well have coincide with the missing of small animals like pets and small livestock such as goats and sheep.
Wendigo; A Creature seen across North America. Folklore say it an evil spirit that has takes over a human that has committed to cannibalism transforming them into a hideously thin creature so ravage and thin with hunger that it has chewed it's own lips off. and because of the this hunger it will never meet it's fill. It has been reported to be the blamed for many missing deep forest and back county backpackers and campers.
Goatman; There are reports of a Goatman to be half human and half goat. Unlike the mythical character Pan. The Goatman has a goat's head and face. A better description would be the head of a goat the upper body of a man and the waist and below of a goat and rather big and tall. The Goatman has been reported in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri and even in Maryland. The reports of the Goatman in Maryland state that he chases vehicles with an Axe! Around Beltville Maryland area.

Pukwudgie; Native Americans legends have talked about these tiny people has to playing tricks, stealing children and starting fires with a snap of the finger. They are reported to use magic. They are known to become invisible or change themselves into half porcupine half troll creatures. For the most part they look like tiny people with large noses, big ears with grey skin. As to how dangerous they can be is legends have it, that the Pukwudgie will try to lure one to their deaths, by tricking one to come into the wood in order to push them off of cliffs or by using poison arrows. All in order to capture and control ones soul!

This is a start to my idea thus far. Now do I want to play this out as in the shows like "Supernatural" or "Sanctuary"? Or maybe something on the lines of "Wearhouse 13" where all the cursed items have turned people into all of those creatures? Or just maybe a little combination of all three. Where there can be a little of all things, Witches with some magic, and cursed items that have other curses to them rather than turning folks into creatures. Saving some creatures while having to dispatch others. As that of "Grimm", good and bad creatures/people.